An order from the Commitee, that eleven thousand three hundred horse should be conducted by Sir Simon Harecolt into Ireland. - As also, letters read in the Parliament, sent from the Mayre of Dublin and other justices of the peace, how Tredagl is besieged and Dublin in great feare of the rebels. As likewise the Spanish fleet overthrown in the sea, going to assist the rebels in Ireland. In a relation of a great uumber sic of Spaniards that were resolved to go into Ireland, and helpe the rebels to persecute the Protestants there more cruelly. Being the just judgement of God on those bloudy minded tyrants, shewing how in a suddaine tempest they were all drowned in the devouring sea. With the copy of a letter sent from the Spanish fleet to the Lord Donmadoffe the arch-rebel in Ireland

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Printed for WR 1642 England, London [8] sidor.